Hogwarts Mystery Wiki
Hogwarts Mystery Wiki
"Even Bill Weasley was not strong enough to break the curse on the vault. Reeling from your second defeat, you struggle to plot your next move."
—Year 2, Chapter 8 description in the game

Year 2, Chapter 8: Training the Team contains four parts and one class. Upon completion, the player earns 225 Coins and 450 XP.


The Main Character visited Bill Weasley in the Hospital Wing. Thankfully, Bill managed to recover from the cursed ice without any lasting consequences. He remained eager and willing to help the Main Character with opening the Ice Vault and break the curse. The Main Character's friends agreed to assist them as well, and so the Main Character helped them prepare for what was coming next.


Lesson: Weaving[]

Task 1: Talk to Prefect[]

  • Waiting Time: 3 hours
  • Location: Your House’s Common Room

Task 2: Show New Clothes to Prefect[]

  • Location: Your House’s Common Room

Task 3: Visit Bill[]

Task 4a: Prepare the Team (Penny)[]

Task 4b: Prepare the Team (Rowan)[]

  • Location: Training Grounds
  • Requirements: 1/5 stars in 3 hours

Task 4c: Prepare the Team (Ben)[]

  • Location: Potions Classroom
  • Requirements: 1/5 stars in 3 hours