Hogwarts Mystery Wiki
Hogwarts Mystery Wiki
"You found Ben frozen in ice in a secluded hallway. Now you must unravel the mystery of how this happened, and what it has to do with your brother."
—Year 2, Chapter 4 description in the game

Year 2, Chapter 4: Revelio contains seven parts and one class. Upon completion, the player earns 175 Coins and 350 XP.


The player visits Ben Copper in the Hospital Wing and encounters Madam Pomfrey, who relays that Ben is in great distress and heavily hints she'd like the Main Character to leave unless they have a good excuse to see him. Depending on how high the Main Character's Empathy level is, the Main Character may be able to tell her they came to comfort Ben and she'll allow them to stay. When the Main Character approaches Ben, he is relieved for the visit but he acts oddly, telling the Main Character that he doesn't remember asking for them or even being trapped in the ice. The Main Character decides that if they cannot get any information from Ben, they will meet Rowan Khanna back in the corridor and find out what happened themselves.

When the Main Character returns to the corridor with Rowan, Rowan tells the Main Character that they are suspecting Ben is hiding something from them, and the Main Character has the choice to trust Ben, agree with Rowan, or be unsure. Both Rowan and the Main Character proceed to search the corridor once more and find the wall to be suspicious. Both conclude that they need to learn the Revealing Spell, Revelio.

The Main Character approaches Professor McGonagall in her classroom to ask for a favor. Depending on if the Main Character told her about the secret message or not, she may reward them 20 house points for their help and showing concern for Ben. The Main Character then proceeds to push for that private lesson with McGonagall to learn the advanced charm. She tells the Main Character she thinks the charm is too complicated for them and has to see that they're skilled enough when they attend class.

Once the Main Character completes attending Transfiguration class, McGonagall finds them worthy of learning Revelio. Rowan congratulates the Main Character and asks for them to meet them back at the Icy Corridor again.

The Main Character and Rowan have some small talk about what to expect before casting the spell. The Main Character casts Revelio on the wall and reveals a hidden staircase, very much like in the Main Character's vision. The Main Character has the choice to either proceed, proceed with caution, or tell a professor about their newfound discovery. If the Main Character suggests telling a professor, Rowan will warn them that the professor would never let them back into the corridor. Rowan reminds the Main Character that this is an important hidden discovery at Hogwarts and they should seize the opportunity to explore. The Main Character casts Lumos and they venture off into the staircase. Rowan mentions the room is unnaturally cold, and the Main Character believes they are close to the Cursed Vaults. When they find a door covered in ice, Rowan approaches it, and the ice sends Rowan flying and they are injured. The Main Character then takes them to the Hospital Wing.


Lesson: Reparo[]

  • Unlock: 7 Transfiguration stars
  • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
  • Requirements: 5/5 stars in 8 hours

Task 1: Visit Ben[]

Task 2: Search the Icy Corridor[]

Task 3: Ask McGonagall About Revelio[]

  • Location: Transfiguration Classroom

Task 4: Study Transfiguration[]

  • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
  • Requirement: 1/5 stars in 1 hour

Task 5: Learn Revelio[]

  • Waiting Time: 3 hours
  • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
  • Requirements: 5/5 stars in 3 hours

Task 6: Meet Rowan[]

Task 7: Investigate the Icy Corridor[]

  • Location: West Towers: Corridor
  • Requirements: 1/5 stars in 3 hours