Hogwarts Mystery Wiki
Hogwarts Mystery Wiki
"Victorious in your duel with Merula, you must now answer to Professor Snape. Meanwhile, a new Hogwarts mystery lies just around the corner."
—Year 1, Chapter 6 description

Year 1, Chapter 6: A Curious Corridor contains four parts and two classes. Upon completion, the player earns 100 coins and 200 XP.


The Main Character learned that there is a mysterious room in the West Towers Corridor. They explored the corridor with Rowan Khanna, and found that the door was sealed with an impenetrable lock.


Lesson: Nox[]

Lesson: Mount Broom[]

Task 1: Report to Snape[]

Task 2: Follow Snape and Filch[]

Task 3: Meet with Rowan[]

  • Waiting Time: 3 hours
  • Location: Great Hall
  • Requirements: 3 Courage, 3 Empathy, 3 Knowledge; 100 Coins; 3/3 Diamonds in 6 turns

Task 4: Investigate the Door[]

  • Waiting Time: 3 hours
  • Location: West Towers Corridor
  • Requirement: 5/5 stars in 3 hours