Hogwarts Mystery Wiki

"Hagrid is a kindly half-giant and the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. If you need help handling or caring for magical creatures, he’ll be there with advice and Rock Cakes."
—Hagrid's character description in the game

Rubeus Hagrid is a half-giant wizard and gamekeeper of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Early Life[]

Rubeus was born on 6 December 1928 near the Forest of Dean in the West Country of England. His mother was the giantess Fridwulfa. He was the elder half-brother of the giant Grawp.




Beyond Hogwarts[]


Physical Appearance[]




Abilities and Skills[]

  • Transfiguration: Hagrid was highly accomplished with Transfiguration.
  • Charms: Hagrid was skilled with charm-work.
  • Magizoolgy: Hagrid was knowledgeable and skilled at taking care of magical beasts and creatures.
  • Potions: Hagrid was skilled with brewing potions.
  • Super Strength: As a half-giant Hagrid possessed superhuman strength.
  • Endurance: As a half-giant Hagrid possessed superhuman strength.
  • Poison Resistance: As a half-giant Hagrid had inherited the passive ability to resist many poisons.
  • Spell Resistance: As a half-giant Hagrid had inherited the passive ability to resist many spells.
  • Arbalist Skills: Hagrid was a skilled crossbowman. It was his primary nonmagical means of defense.
  • Physical Combat Skills:
  • Gamekeeping Skills:
  • Musical Skills: While not very well known, Hagrid had shown an adequate aptitude for music. He also possessed enough skill in the playing the wooden flute.
  • Nonverbal Magic: Hagrid was proficient in casting nonverbal magic
  • Magical Aptitude: Despite not graduating from school, Hagrid had a great amount of magical skill.


  • Hagrid is unlocked as a Friend after completing the Fairy Tale Side Quest in Year One.

