Hogwarts Mystery Wiki
Hogwarts Mystery Wiki
Meal With a Friend

Meal With a Friend is an activity the Main Character can do with friends in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.


Meal With a Friend occurs in the Great Hall. The Main Character is introduced to this activity by Rowan Khanna in Year 1, Chapter 4. You will be asked a series of questions that you must answer correctly from every turn. In this mini-game your goal is to show how well you know your friend you are eating with. The more accurate your answer choice, the fuller your Diamond Meter will become. In this mini-game you get six turns to fill the Diamond Meter. One answer will always be faulty, one will be acceptable, and one will be the best choice and will award you the most points. As a bonus you will also earn some Attribute Points. At the end of the mini-game you will earn Friendship points that go towards leveling up your Friendship with that character.

Friends Available[]
