Hogwarts Mystery Wiki

"Cedric Diggory is a charming and honest Hufflepuff whose popularity is surpassed only by his talent. Despite all the attention he receives, Cedric remains humble and is always willing to lend a hand."
—Cedric's description in the game

Cedric Diggory was a wizard who started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1989 and was sorted into Hufflepuff.


Early Life[]

Cedric Diggory was born between September and October 1977 to Amos Diggory and his wife. Cedric grew up with his parents near Ottery St Catchpole, a small town located in Devon, England. When he was seven years old, Amos enjoyed bragging about him to family friends, and anyone else who would list.

Hogwarts Years (1989-1995)[]

Cedric's first year at Hogwarts is the Main Character's sixth year. During his first year, Cedric immediately became one of the most popular students, beloved for his fairness, kindness and loyalty, having stopped a Gryffindor from bullying a Ravenclaw student, resulting in everyone talking about him. All of the Main Character's friends were so won over by him, they preferred to talk with him rather than help their friend with the Cursed Vaults.

Physical Appearance[]

Cedric was a tall and extremely handsome young man with chiseled features, dark hair, and bright grey eyes.


Cedric was said to embody the qualities of Hufflepuff. He had a sense of fair play. He was willing to help others and was not overly competitive. He is willing to accept that there were those who were better than him. He was noble and graceful. He possessed a strength of character. He loved Quidditch, liked playing Seeker, and wanted to become a Prefect. Cedric possessed an exceptionally strong sense of willpower.

Abilities and Skills[]

  • Flying: Cedric was a highly talented and accomplished broomstick flyer. They were skilled enough to be selected for their house Quidditch team as Captain and Seeker. In particular, he was noted to have a very fast swerve. They quickly mastered various flying techniques and developed knowledge of broomstick care.
  • Transfiguration: Cedric earned an O.W.L. in Transfiguration and continued the subject at N.E.W.T.-level.
  • Charms: Cedric earned an O.W.L. in Charms and continued the subject at N.E.W.T.-level.

