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Two questions (please answer both) one is there a way to save rowan, if so please tell me how and two is there a way to become freinds with merula snyde?
I've heard big news about the game.
Edit: No, this red screen just happened from using DirectX instead of OpenGL.
If you cheat too much in the game, your screen becomes completely red, everything except the beginning cutscene. Even Jam Games logo becomes red. It doesn't seem to impact the progression of the story, but it's interesting.
I didn't just cheat energy, coins and gems, I cheated xp, attribute xp, amount of books and pets xp. So, chances are that you are never going to receive the red screen.
Think of it as a way to detect cheaters. In other games, they would deliberately add something to your character, and unknowing players would comment about it, unknowingly revealing that they cheated.
(Edited by Succotashinthebyrd)
Does anybody have problems with notifications? I usually don't get notifications for tasks ending or energy full between 4PM and 8PM CET.
I don't have any blocks on notifications during certain times and I do have notifications on for these things (and do get these outside the previously mentioned times).
Another problem I encountered yesterday, I got a notification for task ending at 1:58 PM, so I should have had time until 2:13 PM right? I noticed that it is normally 15 minutes between notification and the end time. When I opened the game at 2:06 PM, less than 10 minutes, time was already up.
I have contacted support, but they really didn't help me or understood the problem. A problem I face a lot though with Support Teams, in my opinion they should know the game better than players.
So my problems are:
1: no notifications during certain times (for me 4 to 8 PM CET)
2: task ending notification less than 10 minutes instead of 15 minute notice.
(Edited by RaymondMR96)
You know how the game crashes if you attempt to change the direct value of the energy?
Turns out that that address + 8 and that address + 16 can be changed after going out of the app, and trying to change them individually crashes as well.
Example, type 4 bytes
Address: 277A11D59D0 - 17
Address: 277A11D59D8 - 1158338930
Address: 277A11D59E0 - 1158338915
If you copy all these values to the addresses at the same time, the energy will be 18 after the energy naturally replenishes.
Coins work in the same address way, and gems likely do so as well. And they use the same system as well, so you can turn 203-3954874659-3954874856, 203 coins into 203 energy with the corresponding system.
Sorting when on the store should be the most consistent way
(Edited by Succotashinthebyrd)
I have a head canon for my main character that he is both a werewolf and an Animagus that has multiple animal forms and that he invented a spell to improve the Animagus spell and one that allows a werewolf to turn at will and control themselves in werewolf form and that the spell gives werewolves greater than normal strength even in human form and their senses are more acute
here's my new OC for Hogwarts Mystery I guess lol
their name is Blake Vector and they're in RavenClaw (the house that I'm in)
Penny π𦑠or Rowan
Ben β€οΈ π¦ or any Weasley
Merula π π
46 Votes in Poll
When itβs the Sorting ceremony do you turn into the bully for choosing Slytherin or what happens?
When I am confused
A lot, but other things more
Never, this wiki is dead (but why did you answer?)
Iβm unpredictable.
I donβt care at all
28 Votes in Poll
Ravenclaw π π¦
Gryffindor β€οΈ π¦
Hufflepuff π π¦‘
Slytherin π π
45 Votes in Poll
(Edited by TheAwesomeReader15)
Rowan or Ben
Merula or Ismelda
26 Votes in Poll
This wiki is dead, but if there is anyone in here, can you give me a name? it should be HP related though
I have a cat, and I get the energy stuff, but I have this whole heap of creature food. I click on the little 'care for magical creatures' box in the corner, but it says I need to complete Year 1 Chapter 5 and the side quest even though I'm in year 2!
I have a question. I am in year 4 but I found out, that I didnβt learn all the spells from years 1-3. Is there any chance to learn them or I lost the chance to learn them? Please help me!
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
86 Votes in Poll
We should add pages of magical creatures that have appeared or mentioned in Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery don't you think?
(Edited by JudithBarsi10)
The Ukrainian Ironbelly From Scorched Vale! So, I read a while ago that the Ukrainian Ironbelly would likely be dropping in late October. Does anyone know if that is confirmed or was that just a rumor? Probably just a theory based on how frequently other creatures have been released. Even with datamining, the most you might be able to tell is that they added reward information or something, making it look like they are preparing to release it soon. The teases on social media or in the newsletter havenβt even been that accurate of an indicator of when creatures will release.